How Spirituality Helps to Build a System of Personal Beliefs

From the moment you are born, you are always feeling something whether good or bad, and so is every other person in this world. You can stop your conscious thoughts when you are sleeping, but you can never stop feeling, because to be alive is to feel life. You are … Read more
5 Reasons How Reading a Magazine Will Help You Stay Creative

You cannot live a life devoid of some creative energy. Nurturing the right side of your brain is what keeps you going! Sure, you don’t necessarily have to do anything creatively and still go on living unaffected but what is the point of living, if each day is not more … Read more
10 Smart Tricks to Deal with Stress from Work Life

In today’s modern day fast paced and monotonous life, being stressed out and hassled with your work is not a new thing. It has become very common these days. You will get to hear this from every other person around you that he is going through or facing the problem … Read more
5 Tips How to Rebalance Your Life from Stress and Depression

Stress can sometimes be good to keep you alert and motivated. But can stress cause depression? Yes, because when the stress increases and doesn’t shut down after a difficult situation, it leads to depression. Stress and depression go hand in hand. Stress whether acute or chronic can lead to major … Read more
10 Good Habits to Reduce Stress and Live a Happy Life

Arousal of stress occurs due to the problems and hassles that occur in our daily life. There is no way in which problems won’t occur but we can surely lessen those problems by keeping our lifestyle simple and stress-free. Being stress-free is a major problem these days. Stress can be … Read more
How Can You Attain Higher Level of Consciousness Through Spirituality

Man is superior to animal in that he is not only a rational being but also a spiritual being. He is capable of discriminating between good and evil. Conscience is indeed our inner voice, divine and transcendental. While conscience guides a man to do well, simultaneously it also deters him … Read more
10 Secrets to Happy Life with Effective Stress Management

Though, the article is titled ‘Secrets to a happy life’, there are no secrets to happy living. Everything you can do to stay happy is out in the open. Here, we bring you some overlooked stuff you can do every day to stay happy and bid stress adieu! Photo by … Read more
6 Ways How Your ‘Never Quit’ Attitude Will Make You Successful

As the saying goes, ‘Failures are the pillars of Success”. Nobody becomes successful overnight. Hard work and patience make you one step closer to being successful in life. One should always have a ‘never quit’ attitude in life. Whatever may be your circumstances, a person should always be positive and … Read more
10 Work Habits for Success in Career

Who doesn’t want to be successful in life? Everyone does but only some do. Many successful people out there talking about ways by which one can reach his/her desired goal and here are some ways which may help you achieve all the triumph in your career: Photo by rawpixel, CC0 … Read more
8 Things to Do When Feeling Stressed Out After Exams

You are half asleep in the assembly already, your friend standing next to you is freaking out over the fact that she wore the wrong shoes to school, but as you hear the words “Exam Date-sheet is out”, all your anxiety-s and horrors resurface. The worst part of student life … Read more