5 Differences Between Stinginess and Frugality

Nowadays, we come across a lot of memes, I cannot recall the last time I surfed the internet without coming across a hundred memes mocking something or the other and a good fraction of these memes try to describe “two types of people”. Believe me. Ones who watch TV and … Read more
5 Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Respect Others

Bringing up children is a very important and the most significant thing someone does in life. Contributing to the future of the world, shaping the future of a person is what goes into bringing up a child. Do it wrong and the person you love the most will lead a … Read more
7 Reasons Why Positive Attitude Is the Key to Success

Scientific studies claim that every thought releases chemical. These chemicals directly affect our emotions and bodies. Hence the power of positive thinking is more than meets the eye. The much ado about positive thinking only reinforces the importance of optimistic attitude in an individual’s life. The benefits of a positive … Read more
6 Most Common Ways in Which People Waste Their Time

Time is a valuable factor for us but we waste this valuable factor in many ways. Wasting time is one of the activities which we do every day that never proves to be productive. Most of the time we are not even aware of how we are wasting our time. … Read more
10 Ways to Build Self Esteem While Recovering from Depression

Low self-esteem is one of the most common outcomes of depression. Depression is a condition that impacts the emotional, mental, and physical well being of an individual. It varies in its intensity from being mild, moderate or severe. Self esteem plays an important role as a person recovers from depression. … Read more
5 Tips How to Let Go of The Past Failures to Achieve Your Future Success

To fail is a part and parcel of life. Failing once, twice, or an infinite number of times never makes you a failure, it is the proof that you tried. Not just that, every time your attempts are unsuccessful, you discover yet another way things don’t work. There is no … Read more
9 Ways to Overcome Procrastination and Manage Time Efficiently

We human beings love to procrastinate. We waste time thinking how things are to be done rather than actually putting efforts to do it. Wasting the valuable time which our life provides us, will lead us to trouble. The people who are on top have always valued time. Hence valuing … Read more
5 Reasons Why You Should Write a Letter to The Future You

Writing a letter to your future self can be a very interesting activity. It can be great motivational tool that can help you fulfill your personal goals in life. It’s a remarkable way to take stock of things happening in your life. This self enhancement tool if done with the … Read more
7 Ways to Teach Your Kids Self Control

Parenting has never been more challenging than it is today. The ‘instant generation’ looks for instant gratification which often lands them in unhappy situations. In a world of instant self gratification, parents have to adhere to well thought of practices that contribute to the child’s personality development in a positive … Read more
5 Ways to Conquer the Feeling of Hopelessness and Worthlessness

Our world has undoubtedly become a global village and eventually humans have mutated into mechanical robots, devoid of sagacious emotions. At times, such supersonic life gets punctuated by break-neck depression. In return, it contributes to the fleeting feelings of hopelessness & worthlessness. These desperate sentiments take you on a downward … Read more