The Most Bizarre And Unusual Indian Customs

India has one fascinating culture. There has been so much interest in Indian culture worldwide. It exhibits a plethora of bright, colourful and ethnic celebrations throughout the year based on change of seasons. But more than often, one comes across an unusual custom that has been traditionally hung to. Such … Read more
Top 5 Myths About India To Laugh At

India is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the world. India is a land with the utmost beauty and geographic diversity in the world. But there are several myths about this South Asian giant, which is adversely affecting the Indian tourist industry. Let us go through top 5 myths … Read more
The Good, The Bad, And The Healthy
Being a good person is certainly a subjective thing. Not just being a good person either for that matter, but just being a person anywhere on the planet. We are all thrust into the world, unable to choose our nation of origin, family, or mental and physical aptitudes, just to … Read more
Fun Is Subjective So Play Nice
What defines happiness and fun or entertaining or fulfilling is something that varies from person to person. You have the short lived forms of happiness such as your preferred choice of candy or a cool breeze during a hot and humid summer afternoon, that just don’t last as long as … Read more
Happiness Is When
Happiness is in peace Happiness is in love Happiness is when we look ourselves from within Happiness is when we all are together May All Beings Be Happy!