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5 Ways to Develop Innovative Ideas at Workplace

Work is worship – for people who honor their work as their life’s first priority. Ideas have no time or place constraints and they can invigorate anytime, anywhere, but some people feel that they need a conducive environment that can instigate such innovative ideas in their mind. So, the generation of innovation can be guaranteed by the adoption of certain ways that can ensure constant flow of unique ideas as well as the progress of the company. Do you think the corporate culture hampers the outbreak and proliferation of good ideas? If yes, then you must be among those fellows who feel that innovative ideas can take birth only while sitting on the pot in the washroom at home. In fact, to some extent, it is true. The best thought process is carried out when a person sits in solitude without disturbance in the lavatory. But, what to do, you can’t always keep sitting there to let the idea pop out of your head, you need to find other ways. You can’t just complain that you are a bathroom or washroom thinker and your brain nerves cease to produce out of the box ideas when you are not alone. So, here are 5 ways you can to use to stretch your neurons, start squeezing out the best potential of your brain, and elicit new ideas:
10 Things You Can Learn from Failure

How many times have you lost the game saying that you will win next time? Have you promised yourself that you’ll not repeat the mistake, but you tend to do it all over again? Do you remember any catastrophic event in your life that left you speechless and stunned? If you think deeper, then you would get to know that there are more failures in your life than your accomplishments. Once you conduct retrospective study on yourself, you would find that success is a bait that motivates you to do something out of this world, but failure is the life-tester that makes you learn the real lesson of life. Why is it that you think that you have worked like a beaver, but still you are back to square one and not able to achieve what you really want? Do your failures make you restless and leave you upset for a long period of time? There is no individual in this world who can escape from confronting failure in his/her life. The legends and pioneers have not climbed the steps of success without tasting the flavor of failure. Failures are the opportunities which awaken the hidden trailblazer inside you. Here are the 10 things that you can learn from your failures and make your life flawless:
10 Steps to Setting Clear Goals in Life

Failure gives motivation, motivation follows intentions, intentions form determination and determination paves the way to perform the endeavors in life. This is the vicious cycle that begins with a spark, continues with smooth speed and at times, halts with brakes and then, finally stops and start all over again. It is the pattern of life that every individual goes through. If you are one such person who does not accept the natural course of life and want to go carefree till eternity, then you are not wrong, it is just that you are not exposed to the trials and tribulations of life. “You” can only decide what kind of life you would like to live? A life where everything is sorted, but to grab that serenity, you work hard for it or the one where everything is already a mess and you don’t wish a break a leg to solve it out? At whatever point to life you are right now, you will soon unravel the unexpected surprises in life, some you will adore and some you will discard. Here are some tips to help you set clear goals in life, hopefully you will find enlightenment after reading them:
How to Take Decisions in Life?

Have you found yourself stuck in a situation from where you could not find a way out? Do you ever feel that the tussle between heart and mind never takes a halt? Don’t you feel agitated when dilemma of your life takes a long time to resolve? Decisions, be it related to love life, career, family, best friend, or even petty issues like the choice between pizzas or pasta, are always hard to make. All individuals at a juncture of their lives find themselves in perplexity, where some people succeed in coming out with flying colors, some fail to select the best choice and thus, regret for the rest of their lives. Taking a decision is not that difficult, but the fear of the future results of the decision taken is what resonates in the mind all the time. There is no idealistic way of resolving puzzle in life, but there is definitely a ray of hope that can be raised by opting for the right path towards the elucidation of the trouble. So, here are few tips that you can follow to become an astute decision maker in your life:
5 Tips For Professional Writers – How To Add Humor To Your Writing

Humor in writing is often thought of either representing satire or as a part of fictitious writing. But professional writers can use humor effectively to keep the reader engaged and wanting to read further. Humor can help you bond better with your readers too, serving as an awesome communicating tool. (more…)
7 Useful Tips To Avoid The Monday Blues

No one likes Mondays. But since Monday is never going to disappear, why not make the most of it and make your grueling post weekend blues a happier one. I have put together a list of 7 sure fire ways to kick start your miserable Monday and avoid the downright depressing Monday Blues.
1. Get Your Stuff Ready Ahead Of Time
I know it’s easier said than done, but if you take a few minutes the night before to prepare your stuff for the next day, it will be a lot easier when you roll out of bed and are stumbling around in your post slumber haze to find what you are looking for. Why not use the first day of the week to showcase those new pair of shoes or your fancy new tie? (more…)