Category Archives: Stress Management
5 Negative Impacts of Stress on One’s Life

Our world has emanated out to be tremendously fast paced and have frantically metamorphosed into a global village. In this modern era, we swear by spontaneity where everything is just a click away. In addition, social networking sites have enabled us to stay virtually connected at every single moment. All these nascent tastes of modernity have taken a serious toll on the health of the population. Our ultra-modern lifestyle is inundated by chronic stress. The tenacity of towering degrees of stress across the globe has been a chief concern since the dawning upon of urban lifestyle. It has its own rows of setbacks and has rancorous effects in an individual’s life.
Here is our pick of 5 negative impacts of stress on one’s life!
Photo by Andrew Imanaka, CC BY-ND 2.0
1. Adverse Loss of Weight
Stress internally maligns a human body like no other disease. It leads to eating disorders and can make you resentfully lose weight. Abruptly plopping weight in a short span of time will make you look anorexic and malnourished. Most of the unfortunate victims generally end up losing their flawless mystic and alluring confidence. On the contrary, when you learn to vanquish your bereavement, weight often returns to its normal state. A tranquilizing vacation to a salubrious place can have a therapeutic effect on the distressed soul. In addition, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy also works like a charm to rehabilitate the umpteen sources of stress.
2. 24*7 Lethargy
When stress amplifies to an altogether new level, one finds it strenuous to step out of their bed due to the hard-core fatigue. You might feel sleepy all the time and also undergo a sense of weariness for no underlying reasons. It can also lead to a considerable drop in the concentration of hemoglobin in your body resulting into anemia. This is predominantly caused due to the paramount switch in routines on a daily basis. As mentioned earlier, eating disorders leads to the change in meal patterns and is also held responsible for utmost exhaustion. Thus, it is advised to have two square meals a day and chalk out a nurturing diet plan with your nutritionist.
3. Diabetics
According to statistics, majority of the diabetic patients encounter inflated glucose levels due to the generation of mental stress and adverse life events. Diabetics Type 2 is primarily caused by agonizing stress & has an unswerving aftermath on the circulatory system, central nervous system and reproductive system. Although it is remediable, but prevention is always better than cure. Scheduling unwinding activities like walking & swimming can spectacularly bring down your blood sugar levels to a standard level. Thus, act fast before it is too late.
4. Mood Swings
Bone jarring & gruesome stress can lead to perilous mood swings. Emotional instability, prompt nervousness, rapid panic attacks and outburst of precipitating anger are some of the alarm worthy red flags of prolonged stress. As a result, your spontaneous mood disorders and whimsical tantrums can blemish your relationships with your near and dear ones. Remember, not everybody will readily keep up with the unpremeditated frustrations. However, psychotherapy and other medications can cure these red flags and bring back the gleaming sunshine in your life. Yes, all over again!
5. Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Lethal stress multiplies your chances of being vulnerable to diverse kinds of addictions. Researchers state that there is a staunch neurological connection between stress and the risk of getting addicted to drugs. Young people usually resort to antidotes in order to escape the draconian reality. Satiating in drugs and alcohol on a daily basis can prove to be fatal and makes a person endangered to substance abuse. If you are sailing through such a brittle situation, then immediately retreat to the relaxing activities like swimming, yoga & meditation, instead of such virulent elements. One can also approach a psychiatrist or a psychologist to get a life changing flexibility.
5 Reasons How Napping Effects Your Creativity and Influence Stress Levels

Napping is often frowned upon. It is perceived among many as a sign of a weak physique or simply fatigue. Even though it is essential for people to have a good night’s sleep, the benefits of quick naps cannot be minimized. Quick and short naps, at least twice a day, helps the body in different ways. It not only impacts the physiological aspect of an individual, but also the much deeper psychological aspect of the person.
It is not the person being lethargic or tired, with napping the opposite is true. In addition to that, scientists have observed in a study that students or people with high pressure jobs perform well in their daily schedule if they incorporate napping into it. Hence, the benefits of napping are directly correlated with having a fresher mind and body. Here are a few more benefits of napping:
Photo by Engin_Akyurt, CC0 1.0
1. Improves Alertness of The Mind
It is pretty natural that if you are drowsy, you would not be able to perform at your best. A recent WHO study has revealed that a minimum of 40 minutes of napping can improve the overall alertness and responsiveness of a tired person by 100%. Instead of being over caffeinated and tired, it is best to take a short nap before any major exam, job interview or such crucial events. This makes sure that you are 100% responsive during the crucial event, and your brain is all geared up and ready to work out.
2. Increases Memory and Receptivity
There have been lots of studies in the scientific community which states that short naps have a positive effect on the memory of a person. Napping hugely improves memory, especially your capacity to retain information. It also benefits overall reception of the individual, thus favoring his/her relaxed neo-cortex, the part of the brain which stores long-term memory. Aside from long-term memories, napping also improves your working memory. This helps in improving deeper understanding of any material, thus improving the students’ reception to their daily studies.
3. Prevents Fatigue and Information Overload
People often do not acknowledge the significance of a nap in pressure situations. It has been shown in polling studies that not sleep greatly reduces the brain’s capacity to retain information. On the other hand, taking a short 30 minutes of nap time can significantly boost information carrying capacity of the brain, and prevents any sort of burnout scenario, which commonly happens with sleep deprivation.
4. Improves Mood and Sensory Reception
Napping not only alerts the mind, it plays a major role in improving the mood of an individual. In case of anxiety and depression, sleep apnea is a common symptom. Taking short naps in between can greatly improve your mood, improve your sensory organs’ ability to receive stimuli, and also boosts your creativity in the process. Napping reduces the production of cortisol, which is known as the “stress” hormone, and boosts the production of serotonin, which regulates the mood and appetite of a person.
5. Increases Creative Outflow
Apart from regulating the hormonal balance in the body, napping can have a significant role in determining your creative outflow. Short naps before a creative performance boost your confidence, and untangle the cluster of doubt and fear in your mind. It rejuvenates the mind, thus creating a streamlined perception for the individual, which is a breeding ground for creative energy. This creates an overall experience of serenity where your creative aspirations are stimulated properly in your brain.
Thus, you can see that napping not only rejuvenates our body, it also helps in revitalizing the mind. It regulates the hormonal production in your body, and helps to keep the cortisol levels in check. By doing so, it prevents several complications that might arise due to high cortisol levels in the body. So, taking quick naps when you haven’t had a good shut eye is not only essential but crucial as well. Try it sometime and see the results for yourself!
10 Truly Impacting Reasons of Stress on One’s Mental Health

Stress is a characteristic physical and mental response to life encounters. Everybody communicates worry now and again. Anything from ordinary obligations like work and family to genuine life occasions, for example, another conclusion, war, or the demise of a friend or family member can trigger anxiety. For quick, here and now circumstances, stress can be gainful to your wellbeing. It can enable you to adapt to conceivably significant circumstances. Your body reacts to worry by discharging hormones that expansion your heart and breathing rates and prepared your muscles to react. Here are some of the reasons how stress can affect mentally:
1. Stress Can Lead to Depression
By-results of stress hormones can go about as tranquilizers (compound substances which make us end up plainly quiet or exhausted). At the point when such hormone by-items happen in substantial sums (which will occur under states of incessant anxiety), they may add to a maintained sentiment low vitality or wretchedness. Periodic examples of thought which impact examination and improve the probability that a man will encounter worry as contrary, (for example, low self-adequacy, or a conviction that you are unequipped for overseeing stress) can likewise improve the probability that a man will wind up noticeably discouraged.
2. Stress Makes You Absent Minded and Emotional
Memory issues might be one of the main indications of stress you’ll take note. Lost keys and overlooked arrangements make them scramble, additionally adding to your anxiety. On the off chance that you discover this anxiety is making you more passionate as well, there’s a physiological purpose behind this. Studies demonstrate that when you’re pushed, electrical flags in the mind related with genuine recollections debilitate while regions in the cerebrum related with feelings fortify.
3. Stress Can Lead to Dread and Nervousness
Stress develops a territory of your cerebrum called the amygdala. This is your mind’s dread focus. Stress expands the size, action level and number of neural associations in this piece of your mind. This makes you more dreadful, causing an endless loop of considerably more dread and stress.
4. Stress Executes Brain Cells
Cortisol makes an overflow of the neurotransmitter glutamate. Glutamate makes free radicals — unattached oxygen particles — that assault mind cells much similarly that oxygen assaults metal, making it rust. Free radicals really punch openings in the cerebrum cell dividers, making them crack and kick the bucket. Stress likewise in a roundabout way adds to other way of life propensities that make all the free radicals. In the event that anxiety makes you lose rest, eat garbage sustenance, drink excessively liquor, or smoke cigarettes to unwind, these are adding to your free radical load.
5. Stress Puts You at More Serious Hazard for Mental Illness of Various Sorts
The main driver of most emotional sicknesses is not yet caught on. On the off chance that answers are ever discovered, the causes will in all probability be an unpredictable assortment of variables. Late research has found physical contrasts in the brains of individuals with push issue. Their proportion of the cerebrum’s white matter to dim matter is higher. Stress inclines you to building up an assortment of emotional instabilities including tension and frenzy issue, misery, PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar confusion, tranquilize compulsion and liquor addiction.
6. Stress Recoils Your Brain
Stress can quantifiably recoil your cerebrum. Cortisol can slaughter, therapist, and stop the era of new neurons in the hippocampus, the piece of your mind that stores recollections. The hippocampus is basic for learning, memory and enthusiastic direction, and in addition closing off the anxiety reaction after an upsetting occasion is over. Stress additionally contracts the prefrontal cortex. This adversely influences basic leadership, working memory, and control of rash conduct.
7. Stress Lets Toxins in Your Brain
Your cerebrum is very delicate to poisons of each kind. The blood-mind hindrance is a gathering of profoundly particular cells that goes about as your cerebrum’s watchman. This semi-porous channel shields your cerebrum from unsafe substances while giving required supplements access. Stress makes the blood-mind obstruction more penetrable, essentially making it broken. This gives things access to the mind you don’t need their, for example, pathogens, substantial metals, chemicals, and different poisons. Having a cracked blood-cerebrum hindrance is related with mind malignancy, mind contaminations, and various sclerosis.
8. Stress Causes Brain Cells to Confer Suicide
Stress prompts untimely maturing on a phone level, causing cells in both your body and your mind to confer suicide rashly. To see how this happens, we have to investigate a piece of your chromosomes called telomeres. You may review from secondary school science that when a cell partitions, it passes on the hereditary material to the following cell through chromosomes. Telomeres are defensive endcaps on our chromosomes like the plastic tips on shoelaces. (Telomeres are appeared in differentiating hues to whatever is left of the chromosome in this picture.) Every time a cell isolates, the telomeres get somewhat shorter. When they achieve a basically abbreviated length, they advise the phone to quit isolating, going about as an inherent suicide switch. Along these lines the cell passes on. Abbreviated telomeres prompt decay of cerebrum cells and longer telomere length prompts the generation of new mind cells. Telomere length might be the most imperative pointer of natural age and illness chance.
A few scientists trust it’s a superior indicator of your hazard for age-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s, coronary illness, diabetes, and disease than regular demonstrative devices.
9. Stress Builds Your Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s
A standout amongst the most stressing impacts of weight on the mind is that it builds your hazard for dementia and Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is currently the 6th driving reason for death. There is no straightforward “enchantment shot” to counteract Alzheimer’s. Judgment skills counsel incorporates eating a solid eating routine low in sugar and high in mind sound fats, getting physical exercise, not smoking, remaining rationally dynamic, maintaining a strategic distance from poisonous metal presentation, and limiting anxiety. It’s been discovered that anxiety, especially push that happens in midlife, builds danger of Alzheimer’s. Tension, desire and irritability in middle age copies your danger of creating Alzheimer’s.
10. Frequent Headaches
Battle hormones like adrenaline can leave you with a strain cerebral pain or headache, either amid the anxiety or the period after that. Past treating the cerebral pain itself, concentrate on migraine sealing your home, eating regimen, and way of life when all is said in done.
We are constantly scrutinizing circumstances that go up against us in life. We evaluate every circumstance, choosing whether something is a danger, how we can manage it and what assets we can utilize. In the event that we infer that the required assets expected to adequately manage a circumstance are past what we have accessible, we say that that circumstance is unpleasant – and we respond with a traditional anxiety reaction. Then again, on the off chance that we choose our accessible assets and abilities are all that could possibly be needed to manage a circumstance, it is not seen as upsetting to us.
Learn that what makes a difference more than the occasion itself is typically our contemplations about the occasion when we are attempting to oversee push. How you see that unpleasant occasion will be the biggest single element that effects on your physical and psychological wellness. Your translation of occasions and difficulties in life may choose whether they are animating or destructive for you.
10 Bad Habits That Cause Stress in Humans

1. The Caffeine Mantra
In the present day and age, who isn’t a workaholic or a student, spending sleepless nights in trying to work out assignments and complete their work? And what better than some caffeine-loaded drinks to help you become a nightcrawler. But, studies show that caffeine does more harm than good to the body. This is because after the initial euphoria, it only adds to the stress in your body. The best thing to do here is to cut back on the caffeine and try and finish your work as fast as possible.
Photo by Andrew Imanaka, CC BY-ND 2.0
2. Early to Bed and Early to Rise
So, after you cut back on your caffeine addiction, the best thing to do is to uproot the cause which had led to this addiction, i.e. waking up till late at night which of course leads to an alarming raise in your stress levels. To counter this the best thing to do is to cut back on some work, or better still, wake up early to complete the work with a fresh mind. Sleeping at night is a huge stress reliever and keeps you fresh and enthusiastic about your work or studies throughout the day.
3. Being A Couch Potato
Most recent studies show that watching television at a stretch or not moving around much just skyrockets one’s stress level. Your physical stability increases the soreness of your muscles which only leads to your brain dulling out and hence increasing the stress levels inside your body. The best way to counteract this is to develop some control on your activities which make you slack down and develop habits like doing yoga, jogging or simply walking around more.
4. White Lying or Fibbing
A lie which prevents you from falling into trouble and doesn’t harm anyone is not at all harmful. But lying nonetheless makes your stress levels rise to an optimum level because it helps build up stress by keeping any information within oneself. The only way to wiggle out of this situation is to stop oneself from fibbing and if the secrets are such that you can’t tell anyone then maintain a diary or a blog to dispense your thoughts there.
5. Overthinking and Miscommunication
Studies have shown that one of the main reasons why stress levels are rising is due to great amounts of miscommunication which is leading to overthinking and maybe the other way around as well. Technology has undoubtedly brought us close but the fact that technology can sometimes pave the best paths for miscommunication is also undeniable. So, ditch the texting once in a while and meet up with the person to confront him face to face and clear the air of confusion between the two of you.
6. Being A Pushover
Are you the kind of person who can’t say no to someone or anyone for that matter? If you are then you stop that as soon as possible. Because this just doubles your workload and doesn’t give you time to rest, relax and give your body enough rest to rejuvenate for a fresh start ultimately leading to rising stress levels. So, from the next time, change the attitude and learn to realize your limits.
7. From A Foodie to A Foodaholic
Being a foodie is nice it helps to maintain a good body balance and also to remain healthy. But, the problem is when you become a foodaholic, binging on food even when you are not hungry. Fatty and fried food, especially take-outs and junk food are harmful for one’s mental and physical health and will always lead from bad to worse. Eating, even when you are not hungry will cause misbalance in your hormones and your body’s routine is also hampered. So always remember that love for food is always good but not when it becomes an obsession.
8. Credit Shopping
Ever watched the movie “Confessions of a Shopaholic”? When the protagonist buys clothes with money she can’t even afford to spend, we all laugh at her actions and sympathise with her later on. But, when we delve into a deeper level, can’t we all relate to it? Aren’t we all preys of modern consumerism which forces us to spend more than we can afford, to feed their sales with money which we don’t even possess just to sit back and realise that at the end of the month we may not be able to pay all the bills just because we had splurged on something with our credit cards. In any modern developing or developed country this is one of the major reasons for development and increase in stress among people. So, the next time, before handing your credit card over the counter, always ponder on what the future holds.
9. Drinking and Smoking
Drinking and smoking are some of the most harmful factors which induce rise in stress levels. Drinking and smoking occasionally is fine, but it is when it becomes a habit that the worry begins. Initially everyone drinks or smokes to take away the stress from our body but after a while, the stress never seems to leave the body without a smoke or a drink. This only results in various other mental and physical problems. So, quit it before it gets you.
10. Abstaining from Sex
Although our Indian culture forbids us from talking about it, but sex is one of the main stress inducers and stress relievers. Not having sex, not only leads to hormonal imbalance but also increases the stress in your body. Having a healthy and disease-free sex life is helpful for leading a rejuvenated and fresh life.
Things to Do Every Day to Live a Less Stressful Life

Now days, stress has become an essential part of everyone’s life. People in this fast-paced life of theirs cannot imagine their lives without stress. It’s not about a particular thing which causes stress, or we can’t find the root cause of this stress behind a particular task. It’s just that as we try and find happiness in every small task which we do, these tasks simultaneously give us stress also, due to one or the other reason. Sometimes it even becomes the cause of problem. There is no one thing which gives us stress in particular. We can be stressed regarding various things like what’s happening in our personal life, our health, our relations, our family, our kids, the things happening in our professional life and work stress. Apart from this the budget passed every year is the greatest source of worry for a common man. Further, there are so many other various factors also which can cause stress to people like the things taking place in the country, the climate change and many more.
This made us realize that it is not only our personal or professional life which causes us stress but rather there are many other things in this world which in a way becomes the origin of our stress.
If we want to happily spend our lives, it’s our duty to erase stress from it. Although stress can’t be eliminated from our lives from its very root, yet we can take measures and small steps to reduce stress from our daily lives. Let’s take a view of the small steps which we can inculcate in our daily routine, just to minimize the level of stress we face. Such of some steps are as given below:
1. Start Your Day Early
When we are starting our day on or before time we do not have to worry about our further routine. It goes no very smoothly. Here, we do not have to worry or hurry with regard to anything.
2. After Rising, Exercise
It is best to do exercise after getting up. When you do exercise all your body stress is relieved. It is not only useful for other physical health, but rather our mental health also. When we are fit, we are in a position to cope up with everything.
3. After Exercise, Meditate for Some Time
Meditation provides relaxation to both body and soul. After meditating for around 20 minutes daily you feel refreshed and you are ready to carry out the further chores of your day.
4. Your Proper Care Is the Foremost Priority
Always care for yourself, no matter how much worse the situation is. Give proper care and time to you each day. This will help you feel better. This care is inclusive of good food and sleep also.
5. Eat A Healthy Breakfast
Eat breakfast heavy and proper, so that you can give an appropriate start to your day. This won’t let the level of your blood pressure fall and you will also stay energetic for the whole day.
6. Inculcate in Yourself the Art of Sharing Your Responsibilities
Try and understand the fact that you are not a machine, so share your responsibilities and work with your fellow mates so that everything is done in a proper manner, otherwise in the end, everything would be messed up.
7. Try and Find Enjoyment in Everything You Do
Do the things which your heart enjoys. Learn to have fun. Take out small intervals from your life for having fun. This will help you in forgetting all the stress you came across in the past few days.
8. Do Not Wait for Deadlines
Try and not pile up your work. Do not wait for the end minute to finish the work. As and when the work comes to you, try finishing it up and then chill. If you wait for the last minute, the end result would be stress.
9. Do Not Try and opt For Multi-Tasking
Remember the fact that you are a human being, not god nor a machine, nor a robot. So, pick up one task at a time finish it and then go for the next. This will help you organize your work, rather than ending up in a haphazard.
10. In Failure Also Search for Success
Failures are the staircase to success, so do not be disheartened when you become incapable in achieving one of your goals. Despite of getting sad, you should stand, discover your mistakes, learn from them and move ahead. This will help in reducing stress and will serve as a motivating factor.
11. Always Give Time to Yourself
Construct a tendency to take out at least 5 to 10 minutes in a day for your own self. Talk to yourself. You will feel much better than before and it will be like you will love it.
12. Do Not Just Complain
Try and find happiness in the things you do, rather than complaining about the stuffs day in and day out. Be satisfied and happy with whatever you have.
13. Make Savings Each Month
The thing which stresses a person the most is money. Try making savings each month and planning your spending for the whole of the month. This will help you staying relaxed during the month end.
14. Sleep Well
Always try and take adequate amount of sleep. If you are not taking your sleep in a proper manner, you will feel dizzy for the whole of your day and this will lead to frustration. A good and sound sleep is very essential to wake up fresh the next morning.
Hence, these are few tips which you will find useful in helping reduce stress from your life. Following these tips and inculcating these habits in your daily routine will help you give a colorful start to your day and living your life happily.
5 Reasons Why the Modern Generation Is So Stressed Out

The one word that pops in to our mind when we think about life in the current century is “stress”. It is needless to say that most people are victims of this dangerous monster and there is almost no escape from it. Stress is a constant factor in a life of a five-year-old, a young adult or an aged individual. But, the situation was not so bad for our previous generations. Studies suggest that the stress level in individuals have reached a marked level in the recent times.
A major way to keep stress at bay is to identify the key elements in our life that causes it. This way we can be at a much better state and make the necessary changes in our daily lives. In this article, we shall be discussing 5 major reasons for the increased stress levels in the current times.
1. Rat Race
The world is changing at a rate faster that we could have ever imagined. There are inventions and innovations every other day. This creates a constant drive among people to strive for the best and push their limits. On one hand, it can prove to be beneficial but sadly enough, this constant pressure often results to increasing stressful situations. The burden of always delivering our very best to outrun all others can create a negative impact. We tend to become restless and lose track our health and mental state.
Make sure that you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle and resting your body enough.
2. Social Media
The advent of social media has worsened the condition of certain individuals and a large part of it include the teenagers. The bustling internet crowd is always on the go, following the latest trends and exploring new places. Selfies, pictures and status updates have become a vital part of our life. It is almost like a social validation that one requires in order to live. We enjoy less and are busy updating our social media sites with whatever we do or see. The essence of travelling or spending quality time with our loved ones is lost somewhere. Many find it intimidating to see others enjoy themselves and often forget that everyone is blessed. This leads to increased stress and most times they fear missing out on all the good stuff that is out there.
3. Lack of Outdoor Activity
Be it children or adults, most of us are stuck in our schools, houses or offices with very little time outside of our air-conditioned rooms. We have no form of physical exercise that will drain out the negative energy in our body. Working out and outdoor activities makes people happy but most of us cannot find time to indulge in them. Along with this, we are prone to eating junk food on a daily basis. Our physical health degrades and as we know, there is a strong correlation between mental and physical health. Both our mind and body is hammered down by the daily mundane lifestyle and results in stressful environment.
4. Financial Pressure
Owing to our increased needs and demands, we are bound to earn more or sometimes loan out some money from commercial institutions. Car loans, house loans and education loans are a common thing these days. This compels us to work harder and earn better. All of us are striving hard for a promotion. A promotion can be achieved only with hard work and sometimes we are so engrossed in chasing that salary that we forget to take care of ourselves. The burden of such financial commitments can prove to be laborious and leaves us disturbed.
5. Pessimism
With all the negativity around, it takes a lot to think positive and act accordingly. We often fail to look at the brighter side of things and focus only on what we lack. Pessimism is an evil that grabs every individual in its way and destroys them. Negative thoughts and toxic people are harmful for your well-being. It is a hindrance to happiness in life and must be defeated to lead a stress-free life.
There are other factors too that add to the stress in our daily lives but what is most important is to know how to beat it. Enjoy life as it comes, find pleasure in small things, and let go off all the negative energy around you. You are sure to feel much better and relaxed with time.
8 Most Stressful Things in A Teenager’s Life

Adolescence is one of the most tumultuous times in everyone’s lives. In addition to all the difficult hormonal changes, there is the constant societal pressure to act like an adult while still being treated like a child. The cherry on top is having to decide on a career and being thrown face first into the ‘real world’. It’s really no wonder then that teenagers are some of the most stressed out people!
1. Transition from Childhood
Losing the utopia of childhood is tough for everyone. It’s when life is at its most pleasant and easiest. Being required to leave childhood and all its associated benefits and pleasures behind seems like an unlikely source of stress, but it nevertheless affects people because there’s no outlet for this kind of frustration. The best way to tackle it is to keep alive the inner child in you, and not let the world beat it down!
2. Parents and Family
During adolescence, there is the greatest disconnect between parents and their children. Teenagers start to feel as though they can’t talk to their parents, and this is when the teenagers’ views on things diverges from their parents’. It can create a lot of friction in the family. Teenagers can start to feel isolated as they feel like they cannot rely on their primary support group (family) anymore.
3. Pressure of Being Popular
This is perhaps the most well-known source of stress for teenagers. At this stage of their lives, teenagers are cementing their identity. That crucially requires positive social interaction. Having a solid group of friends, and being well liked by their peer group becomes very important in these years. This is often not very easy, and coupled with the problem of bullying, provides a lot of stress.
4. Academic Pressure
This is usually the first time for teenagers that they face cutthroat competition. The pressure of getting into a good college or pursuing a worthwhile career is paramount. Having to decide on a career to pursue for the rest of one’s life at such a young age is a source of stress in itself. The twin evils of academic pressure and tough competition contribute majorly to the stress in a teenager’s life.
5. Hormonal Changes
This is the time when teenagers go through puberty. Initially, there are emotional changes that increase the vulnerability of the individual to stress in general. Then there are also physical changes that exert influence over one’s stress level. These biological changes, while completely normal, do create a background in which a teenager is likelier to get stressed, no matter if everyone is suffering with same issues.
6. Trying to Find One’s Footing in The World
This transition from childhood to adulthood also entails a person finding their place in the world. It’s tied to their idea of identity. It means becoming the kind of person they want to be, doing the things they want to do, setting their value and moral structure in stone. This is a very difficult task and one is sure to encounter a lot of frustration on the way.
7. Time Management and Fulfilling Expectations
Not just from parents, but also school and society at large; a teenager has a plethora of expectations that they’re expected to fulfil. This can create anxiety and stress. Added to this is the problem of managing time. A teenager feels as though there aren’t enough hours in the day for all that they want to do. Keeping their grades up through studying and doing homework, pursuing extracurricular activities like sports or painting, as well having enough time to maintain a healthy social life takes its toll on them and generates a lot of stress.
8. Self-Image Issues/Relationships
Going through puberty that causes a lot of changes in the body can give rise to various self-image issues – especially when society says it’s important to look “thin and pretty”. It’s very easy to gain weight during this period. Self-image and self-esteem issues can hinder one’s emotional development and in some cases even lead to disorders such as anorexia and depression. This need to ‘look good’ is enhanced by the fact that this is the time when teenagers are introduced to the world of romantic love – and self-consciousness of one’s body goes up. This is a major source of stress and can be very detrimental if not kept in check.
All this stressful thing in a teenager’s life are not independent phenomena. They are interrelated and interdependent. A solution for one problem can often work as a solution for many of these problems. It’s important to believe in oneself and always ask for help when needed!
7 Ways to Deal with People Who Stress You Out

Life in the current century is hard. With every passing day, you have loads of work piled up. You strive to achieve our goals and cross all the major hindrances that might ever stand in the way. But, it is always easier said than done. Some people around are not always supportive of your dreams and often end up messing things up for you. This might not be their intention and probably past experiences are taking a toll on their behavior. Then again, it is better to deal with them once and for all!
In this article, we will be enlisting 7 effective ways to keep such people at bay and stay positive while you conquer your dreams.
1. Decide
First and foremost, you need to have a clear idea of how important this person is to you. Try to think rationally and ponder about all the times they have let your energy down. If you feel like you can let go of him or her, you definitely should. Holding onto toxic people can prove to be fatal to every progress you want to make in your life or career. It is not always the easiest option but definitely the most effective one.
2. Interaction
A great way to overcome negative people in your life is to let them know how they make you feel. You might have had this conversation in your head a million times but it is now time to say it out loud. Be calm and patient. Try to avoid harsh words and instead give them time to soak it in. In this way, the person can work on their vibe and your rapport with him or her remains intact too.
3. Distance
Another way you can deal with toxic people is to maintain a certain distance with them. Distance would imply limited interaction and meetings. Do not try and do it all in a day. Take one step at a time and slowly restrict your relation to mere a “Hi” or “Hello”.
4. Focus
Focusing on your work and concentrating on what you can achieve helps individuals to identify their inner abilities and enhance their future. Once you are on the right track, you know exactly what you have and who you are. This way the pessimists around you lose control over your life.
5. Connecting with Your Inner Self
Take some time every day to meditate. Meditation relaxes the mind and cleanses the soul of all that is negative. It is a wonderful way to detoxify and calming your inner being. The more you can connect with your own true self, the less will the people around affect you.
6. Improve
The most important fact that your need to know is that only you are capable to push your own limits and nobody else gets to decide your standards or shortcomings. Work on your set of skills every day to improve. Try being your best self and set short term goals that you want to achieve. Confidence is an important part of your path to success and it is only possible to have confidence in yourself if you constantly challenge your own self and grow better.
7. Talk to Yourself
Spend some time each day to let yourself know that you are perfect just the way you are and you need no one’s validation to prove your worth. Know that you are blessed in your own way and nobody can take that away from you. Be grateful for all that you have- all the small and big things in life. Do not let any toxic person destroy your opportunity by simply pulling you down.
Always remember that it is your journey and no pessimistic individual has the power to destroy the good in you. Ignore all the negativity around and strive towards a brighter tomorrow. Hustle hard and make the most out of every opportunity that comes your way.