Category Archives: NLP Hypnosis
3 Ways to Take Over Mind Using NLP Hypnosis

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States in the 1970s. They claim that neurological processes (neuro) and language skills (linguistic) are closely related and when one learns to control this (programming), they can be changed to achieve certain goals in life. Experience which one gains in life is all stored in our brain in our subconscious memory.
Although, this theory is scientifically disapproved, it is widely marketed by many businesses and hypnotherapists. In very simple words, it just means controlling your own mind. Here are 3 ways techniques you can use to easily take over the mind using NLP Hypnosis.
1. Pattern Interruption
Firstly, we must understand that our unconscious mind is a little smarter than our conscious mind. Our conscious mind gets distracted easily whereas our unconscious one doesn’t. This is the key point in this technique. So, what happens in this technique is that we create a pattern in someone’s mind. The pattern can be anything but it has to be repeated a few times so that it sinks in. Then, suddenly break this pattern. The conscious mind will break easily and start listening to what you are saying next but the unconscious mind will still be waiting for the pattern to complete. This will in turn distract the conscious mind.
Let us take an example. Imagine person A to be your conscious mind and person B to be your unconscious mind. You ask A to get you a sandwich, along with a list of instructions on how to make the sandwich. A tells B, our unconscious mind, to make the sandwich by following the instructions. The last instruction would be to bring the sandwich. B does it and we get the sandwich. Next, we ask for another sandwich but right when A is about to tell B to bring the sandwich, distract A by asking another irrelevant question. A answers, but B is still wondering whether to get the sandwich or not. Then when you say “Bring me your wallet”, A will tell B to “bring it” and you will get the wallet.
This is a very crude example and will not work as is and needs to be clubbed with other NLP techniques but at a high level this is what Pattern Interruption means.
2. Framing
Framing does have a scientific base attached to it. Generally, when we think of memories, it is most probably always attached to an emotion, either negative or positive. What we do not know is that memories and emotions are stored in different parts of the brain. Memories are stored in the hippocampus whereas emotions are in the amygdala, right next to it. So actually, when we access a memory, the emotions are not linked it but are actually referenced from a nearby part of the brain. So, if you think about it, we can delink emotions from memories.
For example, picture a memory associated with a negative emotion. It could be a bad break up, a bad exam or a bad interview. Picture the crux of this memory as a picture. It could be the face of the interviewer, your ex or anything. Now imagine this picture as a painting and imagine it being hung on a wall in a famous art museum. Now, it is beautiful, right? How can something negative be associated with a painting in a museum?
Constantly doing this over and over again in our minds can trick it into not accessing the negative emotion from the amygdala.
3. Swish
Swish is a very simple and mostly an effective technique. It is essentially like a replace function in your mind. In simple words, it means taking a negative emotion and overwriting it with a positive emotion. This is easier to do for upcoming situations as compared to past situations.
Imagine this, tomorrow is your first day of school at a new place. The various emotions that you will be feeling are anxiety, worry and apprehension. Let us try to replace that with excitement. Imagine the feeling of going to an amusement park or going on a vacation. This is a feeling of excitement. Concentrate on this happy memory. Now, think of the prospect of attending school tomorrow, but do not let the emotions flood in. Retain the emotions of excitement and happiness. And tada you’ve managed to rewrite your emotions!
It is in fact a hard thing to do at first, but this is just the concept behind it. With improvisations of your own, you can alter what exactly you do to modify your emotions.
Our mind is what rules our body. Once we learn to control our mind, we can lead our lives the way we want to and not let external factors affect it. All it takes is a little bit of effort and the belief that you indeed can.