Category Archives: Leadership
6 Ways to Develop Leadership Qualities in Children

Since the birth of the child, parents start to dream about his/her success. While wishing their children to be successful in the future, parents do not only want it for themselves or their children, but they are concerned about the fact that every kid today will someday be the flagbearer of nation’s pride. Therefore, it becomes important for the parents to develop leadership traits in their children from the very initial stage. Such qualities and skills come naturally and are present in each and every child; it’s just that it needs to be identified at their correct stage and then it should be brushed up and fostered on the right alleyway.
These little minds are like wet sand, that can be molded in whichever way. Hence, we bring you 6 ways in which you can make your child the leader of tomorrow!
1. Encourage Team Activities
For helping your child in learning the most looked-for and valuable lessons of living, the most favorable way is to indulge him and make him participate in a team. Teamwork teaches them many essential and basic qualities which remains with them for lifetime. So, be sure that your child is taking interest in group activities. Make him indulge in summer camps, sports, different clubs and bands. This will help a lot in the grooming of your child. This will enable him to understand the dynamics about how a team works and how a leader is expected to trek along, not just command.
2. Allow Them to Move on The Path, That They Have Built Up for Themselves
From the very beginning, give your kid the liberty to take the decisions of his own. Let him stand on his own feet. Show him the light, guide him, nurture him, but do not hold his hand. Allow them to become unique in their own way, without any interference of yours. This will be a step towards your goal, as from this they will be able to take hold of their own lives, which is an essential leadership trait.
3. Teach Them Communication Skills
The very important quality which a leader should have is that, he should know to communicate well. Communication is the key to many locks in life, even the ones which may seem jammed since centuries. To make your children excel in communication, talk to them, speak with them and make them speak with you. Ask them about their day at school and make the, express what they want in clear tones. Communicating is not enough until it is clear and confident. A good leader is always a confident speaker, who makes sure that people listen and respond to every word he utters. While speaking is one aspect, teach your kid to follow the ratio of one mouth and two ears, i.e., speak less and listen more!
4. Make Them Realize the Worth of Money
Be it any activity you are indulging in, money will always come in. For a leader, holding financial aspects in a proper manner is also very important. So, from the very beginning itself, teach your children the value of money. Give them monthly pocket money, and then teach them how to spend it, or to save it. Begin with a piggy bank and later, open their bank accounts so that they can deposit their savings in the bank. This will facilitate them to learn the magnitude and substance of money plus that of savings.
5. Make Them Confident Enough
Self-confidence plus confidence are equally required for being a leader. One should be confident enough in presenting his thoughts; this will make people listen to him. You can’t inculcate this quality in your children exclusive of providing them opportunity to express themselves. Never allow them to give up on things. Suppose, you are sitting in a restaurant, let your child place the order, this will make him confident. A confident leader is always the best.
6. Lay Emphasis on Perseverance
It is not trouble-free to see your children heartbroken by anything in his life, be it a game or a test of life. Then again, these are the moments when you can teach your children to accept a fall, and get up with head held high. This will be very helpful to your child throughout his life, and will help him become a successful leader.
Parenting isn’t a straight-jacket modus operand; you have a future leader with you. So mould yourself according to the needs of your child and help him succeed in life with qualities of a great leader. The tips given above may prove of some help. Best of Luck!
Perfect Qualities of a Successful Leader

Rightly said by Arnold H. Glasow, “A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” A leader is a pioneer who does not learn to stand alone on the pedestal, but to create a space on the pedestal for the ones who chose him as their leader. This is the identity of a real front-runner. There are different breeds of leaders that are found across the globe, some are tyrant, some are lenient, some are unpredictable, some are aggressive and some are an amalgamation of all. From authoritative Adolf Hitler to the apparent people’s leader PM Modi, you can see the diversity discovered within the category of leaders. If a leader has so many shades, then guess what the follower would be like. So, to assimilate all the vivid brains and sync them in such a way that they produce consensus over any idea or decision is an extremely painstaking job and imagine, a leader does it every single day. Here are the 10 perfect qualities that personify a successful leader: