Category Archives: Depression
5 Ways to Conquer the Feeling of Hopelessness and Worthlessness

Our world has undoubtedly become a global village and eventually humans have mutated into mechanical robots, devoid of sagacious emotions. At times, such supersonic life gets punctuated by break-neck depression. In return, it contributes to the fleeting feelings of hopelessness & worthlessness. These desperate sentiments take you on a downward spiralling journey and install suicidal tendencies. Thus, it is remarkably significant to recognize their etymology and strategize the pragmatic remedies. Gear up to get rid of all the gloom and despair because here’s our pick of top 5 ways to conquer the feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness.
1. Set Goals and Achieve Them
Establish herculean goals and commence your efforts in order to over-achieve them. It is a startling way to relocate your focus from the deadly hunch of worthlessness to a purposeful positivity. The unquenchable desire to pursue your coveted goals will keep you on a rhythm and will immensely help you to improve your cognitive abilities. Triumphing over your installed ambitions will soak you in efficacious emotions and will serve a new meaning to your otherwise complicated life. Don’t forget to bask in the sense of wonder and constellation of happiness after knocking down the negative atoms.
2. Trim Off the Negative People
Snap off the company of vindictive people who treats you like a piece of jagged crap. Distance yourself from the clan whose chief purpose of existence is to bring you down. Such bunch of population can tear down your already low self-esteem and will make you loathe about your own image. It is best to call it quits with the pessimistic tribes for your own peace of mind. Instead, rekindle your bond with people who will galvanize you to perceive life through rose tinted glasses. Healthy life, career performances, contemplation and self love becomes more accessible once you cut off toxic people out of your sight.
3. Groom Yourself Inside Out
It is possible that your appearance and self esteem is on a toss and is directly proportional to the level of your feelings of hopelessness. Hence, roll up your sleeves and pull up your socks to undergo a life changing grooming session. Consult a nutritionist and indulge in a tremendously healthy diet. Enroll yourself for a personality development class and illuminate your self confidence like never before! Those few weekly sessions can enhance your superior facets and metamorphose your feelings of worthlessness into an oozing credence.
4. Splurge on A Vacation
Investing in a good vacation works like an awe-inspiring wizardry. You can either choose an unexplored landscape of lush green mountainous terrain or, mystic inducing pristine sand beaches. Wildlife aficionados can also choose to go for safari trails to liberate their adventurer soul. A tranquilizing vacation will calm your frayed nerves and will soothe your distressed soul like a magical potion. In addition, conversing with the local faces in some of the remotest nooks of the country will make you realize about the vastness of the world. Divergent adversities will also teach you to break off from your comfort zone and you will be able to unearth yourself in an all together conflicting way.
5. Rediscover Your Long-Lost Childhood Hobbies
Unveil your archaic hobbies and detect the much-awaited solace. Get immersed in musical lyrics, metrical dance moves and smudged paintings. Dust off the aerosols from your harmonium & sing your worries away. Tie the musical anklets to your feet and whirl to prance like a peacock. Pick up your paint brushes to fill up the blank canvases with array of vivid colours. Relive the joys of your childhood and shed the tears of joy through these pre-possessing mediums. We bet, they will turn out to be substantial avenues to unwind during your leisure hours and shall also improve the quality of your life. Therefore, dig in your past glories and let your hobbies roar with rage.
5 Self Help Tips to Overcome Fear and Manage Anxiety

How often do beads of sweat roll down our faces when faced with a tough situation? Have to give an impromptu presentation? A surprise class test? Or, placing a small toe outside of out comfort zone. Anxiety is the little voice in our heads which says “What are you doing!? Sit back down!”
In order to get anywhere close to achieving our dreams, we need to be able to tackle this little monster called anxiety.
1. YOU Control Your Mind
Mind games are the most powerful weapon you can wield to conquer this world. Understanding that your mind does not control you and you control your mind, is crucial to this. Assume you have terrible stage fright but have to give an important presentation. Play a small mind game on yourself. It is similar to any other game you’ve played as a child. You have the joystick in your hand, the player is your mind and you need to win the game by destroying the monster which is anxiety. Control your mind, kill the monster and conquer life.
2. Acceptance
A major life hack that few people know about is acceptance. Those who accept things which are out of their control will be the happiest and most joyful. Every large entity is made up of smaller and smaller entities. Every major anxiety attack is made up of small things which we could not accept as it is. It builds up inside us and like a pressure cooker, one fine day, we burst. Accepting the small things in life which we cannot control is key to leading a peaceful life.
3. A Healthy Body Is a Healthy Mind
A car which is designed to run on petrol will malfunction and crash if it is given diesel. Our body is designed to function with full efficiency only if we provide it with proper food, exercise and sleep. Studies have shown that high levels of stress release a hormone known as cortisol. This increases appetite which makes us eat more. Eating more generally involves eating fattier, sugary food. This may give momentary relief from stress but on the long run has a toll on our body. Exercising on a regular basis allows our mind to decompress and alleviates stress. A short exercise every day can do wonders to our body and mind.
4. Talk to Your Mind Voice
Imagine your inner voice to be a person. We have seen a multitude of movies where a character listens to two conflicting opinions in his mind which is depicted as a tiny version of himself sitting on his shoulder. Applying this regularly to our lives will lead to looking at things from an external perspective keeping emotions at bay. Logical thinking will play a major role and when it does most problems can be solved easily. Talk to your inner self and make it understand the situation clearly while keeping stress out of the picture.
5. Prepare for The Worst
Surprises are the major causes of anxiety. If we predict the worst situation that can occur in any circumstance and prepare ourselves for it, anxiety can be eliminated easily. When we go deep into the fundamental reason of why we get anxious and afraid, it leads to not knowing what is going to happen and hence getting afraid. If we get rid of this fundamental reason, anxiety can be dealt with easily.
10 Stupefying Ideas to Heal Depression in Life

When a person is depressed, it may seem like the end of the world for him or her. In reality, it is not. Suffering from depression can be a common attribute of people belonging to different walks of life. It is not something to be afraid or shameful of. Along with proper therapy and medication, there is a lot that the individual can do on a personal level that improves their state of mind.
Some of these ideas are very simple and straightforward. You might think how these simple things can help you to get over your depression, but these ideas are regularly advised by psychiatrists all over the world to their patients. Some of them may take their time to provide viable results, but it’s worth the try. Let’s see what these ideas are:
Photo by ryan melaugh, CC BY 2.0
1. Set Proper Goals in Your Routine
Being depressed takes a lot away from a person. You find yourself worthless in certain situations. In order to avoid feeling such, try and set proper goals in your daily routine. Do not push yourself to achieve something spectacular in the beginning. Start with small steps and small goals, like finishing a book you have been reading. Work on your set goals. This brings a sense of responsibility and reliance to the person.
2. Exercise Daily
Exercise is a great way to make your body produce different kinds of hormones, which are essential in overcoming a depressed mind. Regular exercise helps the body to produce serotonin, dopamine and endorphins – all of which are related to stress and depression. These hormones regulate your mood, so exercise is a boon in improving your mind while you are depressed.
3. Get in A Daily Schedule or Routine
Maintaining a daily schedule or routine is a great way to bring some sense of structure and balance to your life. While you are depressed, it may seem that nothing is working out. In order to break this misconception, you need to set a fixed routine for yourself and follow that routine for a considerable period of time.
4. Maintain A Healthy Diet
Eat fresh and green. A common symptom of depression is binge eating or over-eating. If you find yourself eating nervously or in stress, try to check yourself. Always remember to maintain a healthy dietary plan. Consult a dietician if you are concerned about your eating irregularities.
5. Fight Anxiety and Negative Thoughts
Depression is generally associated with anxiety and stress. Whenever you feel that you are becoming anxious without any reason, try to distract your mind. Fight against the feeling of stress and use logic to ward off negative thoughts. With practice and a little time, you will be able to control your mood swings.
6. Make Lifestyle Choices
If you are suffering from depression, it is time to bring some positive changes to your lifestyle choices. If you have any substance abuse issues, try to move out of your routine. If your friends use drugs as well, try to stay away from those places. Make an active effort to change certain attributes about your social and personal life.
7. Start A New Thing
It is always a good thing to bring variety to a depressed life. Compel yourself to do something different, or have a different experience. Trying a new thing induces increased levels of dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for pleasure, learning and enjoyment.
8. Work on Having Fun
Make time for your personal self in your routine. If you are depressed, you might feel that there is nothing worth having fun, but you are inevitably wrong. Push yourself to try something fun. Spend time with friends, and make an active effort to spend quality time with people you enjoy being with.
9. Avoid Naps and Maintain a Sleeping Routine
Irregular sleep is a definite symptom of depression. So, if you are depressed, try and avoid taking small naps during the day. This affects your normal sleeping schedule. Have a proper sleeping schedule, and maintain it in order to improve your mental health.
10. Find Someone to Talk About Issues
It is always a good idea to vent out your distress to a person. Try and find an appropriate person with whom you can freely share how you feel and what you are going through. It can be one of your friends, or your parents. If you do not want to involve any of your folks, talking to a therapist can be helpful as well.
These ideas might seem rather petty and superficial on the surface, but if implemented properly, they can work wonders on an individual. Always remember that depression makes things look worse than they actually are. So, no matter how awful it feels, make sure to fight against it. With some time, you can certainly achieve victory over depression.
5 Tips How Being Assertive Will Keep You Away from Depression

Being assertive and being a push over has a very thin line in between. Being assertive means standing up for your decisions and to take confidence in your viewpoints, no matter what others think. It is not about being rude to others or making them do things that they don’t want to do. Being assertive means respecting the viewpoints of others and to accept it while not compromising your dignity.
1. Being Assertive Gives You Confidence
There is nothing more important to strengthen your character and to drive your stress away than to be confident and assertive. Being assertive is not about bullying others into pursuing what you want. Being assertive gives you a personal space and helps to boost up your confidence level. Confidence is pertinent for emotional well- being and being assertive means you are confident as to what you want and you are driven to get it. This does not mean that you have to go overboard with your confidence as it can do more harm than good.
2. Emotions Are Always at Check
When you are assertive, you make sure that you are always up to the mark. Being on point whether in a job interview, a speech or a meeting is essential as it shows character. Your personal emotions should not be mixed with your professional life and what better way to keep your emotions at bay rather than to be assertive. Being assertive gives you clarity and a sense of drive which will help you keep your focus. When you are focused and driven there is little scope for emotional baggage which can ruin your entire demeanour. Emotional balance is also necessary for others to take you seriously especially in your professional life and
3. Gives You Faith in Your Abilities
Being assertive makes it clear that you know exactly what you want, and you are not afraid to face it anymore. You are willing to give it a try and you do not have any inhibitions regarding your stand point. What matters the most is how you manage your abilities to make the most out of your situation. Being assertive also helps you to be clearer of what you want. When you are clear as to what you want you can assess your strong and weak points. Thus, giving you a clear picture and making you believe in your true potential.
4. Improves Your Communication
Being assertive builds your confidence and focus which can in turn shed new light. New perspectives give you new ideas and help you to tackle a challenge from a completely new angle. Since being assertive gives you a profound sense of hope and renewed energy, you are clear in your head as to exactly what you want. You are able to properly communicate to others if you are well aware and conscious of what you want. Efficient and precise communication is quite necessary if you want to grab the attention of others and make them note of you.
5. Self-Satisfaction
Out of all the perks that a self-assertive nature gives you, it is the self-satisfaction that is perhaps the most alluring of all. Standing up for what you believe in and letting others know about it without any fear or inhibition is definitely what you want, to boost up your confidence, drive away the stress and to put the best of your abilities into the forefront. After all that is what matters the most.
It’s time to throw caution to the wind and stand up for yourself. Whether it is demanding a raise for your job or to make your views heard by a group; you need to let them know with confidence and poise. Make sure you follow the tips and don’t cross the borders of being insolent and confused. Being assertive is an art that can be developed over time.
10 Tips to Recognise The Signs of Depression in Teens

Adolescents are often stereotyped to be moody, rebellious and in constant emotional turmoil. It is mostly regarded as a passing phase. However recent studies have stated that around one in eight teens suffers from depression. The common mistake parents make is overlooking the signs and symptoms and passing it off for regular teenage behaviour. And this might lead to dire consequences in most cases. This article is aimed at directing parents to carefully study their child’s behaviour to distinguish between “mood swings” and depression. This will help them take professional help immediately so that it cannot further damage the tender mind of the child or even worse, its future!
1. Sadness or Hopelessness Infused with Regular Bouts of Crying
This is a major indication of depression and should instantly draw the attention of friends and family. Frequent tearfulness and long spells of sadness for issues that are not so important are symptoms of the onset of depression which usually occurs around fourteen for most people. This stage is often termed as typical of adolescents but it does require more concern and care.
2. Irritability, Hostility, Outbursts of Temper
Another symptom that is passed off as the “rebellious” phase of teenagers but requires more introspection. The onus is upon parents and close friends to realise this is abnormal and far more serious than regular teenage irritability. The irritability and hostility is usually directed towards family members. Peer pressure makes the child want to come at par with school friends on account of social status and school performance. Failure to do such makes the child blame its parents for being left behind in the race.
3. Withdrawal from Friends and Family
This is where the depression starts really harming the child. The increasing mood swings and bouts of severe melancholy make the child isolate itself from the near and dear ones. By distancing themselves from their families, the children find themselves alone. They are unable to share their trouble with anyone else as they lose trust in everybody, even their parents. The problems, the insecurities and the never-ending gloom start to push the child over the edge.
4. Increased Sensitivity to Rejection and Failure
Failure and rejection might seem bitter but at the end of the day, they are our best teachers in the school of life. They push us to strive harder for success and acceptance. However, youngsters who are depressed become increasingly sensitive to rejection and failure and plunge into the sea of despair. Hereon they find themselves unable to swim back to the surface and some teenagers end up taking the deadly step- suicide.
5. Loss of Interest in Previously Loved and Fun-Filled Activities
Performing arts like singing, dancing, playing musical instruments and different kinds of sport, indoor and outdoor activities provide us with a healthy pastime and recreation. They divert our attention for some time and give us a break to think clearly. When a child retracts from such fun-filled or previously loved activity, it is a sign for grown-ups to open their eyes wide, sit up and observe him. It is a strong pointer showing that the child has thrown itself in a dark pit and does not want to come out of it. It is running away from the exhilaration entailing such activities and wants to be left alone, down in the dumps.
6. Drop in School Performance
Plunge in school grades show the child has lost interest in academics, books and school activities. It also points to a major lack of concentration. Loss of concentration and composure is a big sign of depression. The mind keeps wandering to what has gone wrong and what could go wrong. It is necessary to drag the child back to the domain of school life because if left alone and unattended to, the mental state of the child could be ruined beyond repair.
7. Changes in Eating and Sleeping Habits
This involves insomnia (lack of sleep) or excessive sleeping, anorexia (lack of appetite) or overeating. This major change in the basic lifestyle of a teenager is a sure shot sign of something going terribly wrong in their heads and hearts. What’s more, this can severely affect their body clock, causing it to go haywire and this is where the health problems crop up.
8. Physical Complaints with No Medical Cause
This is a psychosomatic change that takes place when someone is so upset that they always feel they have some health issue or the other. Physicians get frequent complains of headaches or stomach aches from teenagers but in most cases, they fail to find any true medical cause. It is clear from this behaviour that the child is seeking attention and here the parents have to jump in to their child’s rescue.
9. Self-Criticism and Self Infliction of Pain
This is one of the last stages of depression. Victims of depression tend to criticise themselves the most and blame themselves for anything that goes wrong. They begin detesting themselves and start hurting themselves intentionally. It makes them feel as if they have been punished for the wrong done. They try to slit their wrists or burn parts of their body, sometimes fatally. At this point the depression is impossible to cure without professional help.
10. Reckless Behaviour Including Alcohol and Drug Abuse
This is the ultimate step where the teenager is unaware of his own state, whereabouts and health. It is the ultimate nightmare for their families as these can cause irreparable damage to their health. In many cases, these young, bright minds are lost to overdoses. Even if cured, this particular phase leaves an indelible scar on their personalities.
It is very important that friends and family stop blaming “hormones” for the irrational and abnormal behaviour displayed by teenagers. They face peer pressure in case of school grades, social status, physical changes and sexual orientation. This phase requires more care and concern. Parents have to be extra careful so that later in life, they do not feel they abandoned their child when it needed them the most.
5 Reasons How Increased Anxiety Leads to Decrease in Appetite

Anxiety is something that impacts a lot of us in modern times. And millennials cannot be blamed, really. With social media and technology affecting us, reduced exposure to nature and unhealthy work patterns; it is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with life. 21st century people are continually living in environments curated for excessive stress, anxiety, depression and a host of other issues – which can take a negative toll on some of the most important components of health and well-being, like appetite. Therefore, we list here 5 reasons how increased anxiety leads to decrease in appetite- be sure to steer clear of these!
1. Negative Internal Feedback Mechanism
With increased anxiety comes negative internal feedback. Your brain is always telling you that nothing good is going to come out of what you put all your efforts in. This negative feedback affects your self image and productivity, and in turn you end up feeling like nothing is important, not even eating proper food. Give this a wide berth because no matter how you feel, health, food and productivity are all important, and mutually re-enforcing.
2. Lack of Efficiency
When anxiety kicks in, you start thinking that you won’t be able accomplish what you desire. Once that happens, you begin to put in corresponding amounts of minimal effort. With that you expend less energy, and feel less hungry. You feel like you do not deserve to be taken care of, and start adopting unhealthy food routines. Moreover, when you do eat, you consume unhealthy, calorie-loaded junk food which kills further appetite for the next meal.
3. Lack of Exercise
Once you feel very afraid of failure, and as if nothing truly matters in life, you are bogged down mentally and greatly exhausted. You do not have the energy remaining in you to take up reins and get extra calories busting at the gym. But beware, this cycle has extremely toxic repercussions- decreased exercise leads to reduced appetite, which affects your productivity levels to up your anxiety again. So be sure you do not give the gym a miss, whatever your brain tells you to.
4. Low Performance and Efficiency Levels
With increased anxiety in your brain, you automatically start working less and consequently achieving less. Or in a different scenario, you might have achieved less even after working hard, which might have kicked off the anxiety in the first place. If things go on either way, your performance levels are bound to take a hit. And let’s face it, no one feels very motivated with a not-up-to-the-mark performance. Everything ultimately leads to little work done, no exhaustion and hence, you are left with little urge to eat! This is how anxiety related low performance levels guarantee decreased appetite.
5. Social Pressure
There is a huge stigma surrounding mental health issues, which fortunately have gone down of late. But nonetheless, it persists. Friends leave once you’re cooped up in you room with anxiety, bosses frown at your decreased work output, family looks at you queer and even random acquaintances start to judge you harshly all of a sudden. Is it easy to cope with all that unwelcome negativity in your life? No, absolutely not. And can your already dwindling appetite cope with it? No, either. That is how anxiety’s social manifestations lead to a decreased appetite.
Anxiety is a serious psychological problem, and needs expert guidance to come up with a solution for. Medication and counselling is strongly advisable, and do not try to deal with it alone. Amidst a plethora of ill effects, a very tangible effect is the complete reduction of healthy, normal appetite due to anxiety. There are social, physiological, mental and professional reasons why this is true. Remember there are some golden rules which can help you even in these difficult phase of life: you can exercise, and constantly be engaged in activities which take your mind off the negative thoughts and keep flooding your mind with the positive ones. Who knows, you might even find some positive new interests you never thought you would, like J.K. Rowling, author of Harry Potter!
5 Ways To Help A Friend Overcome Depression

Worried for your friend’s behaviour lately who is not the usual chirpy happy person as before? There might be a chance that your friend is suffering from depression. Though this disorder does not seem to be very devastating from the outside, internally it can inflict a lot of pain. Thus, it is very important to gather proper information about this disturbing disorder and then start helping the person who is suffering. If you really want to help out your friend who is fighting depression, here are 5 ways that you can use: (more…)
5 Foods To Avoid When Feeling Depressed

It’s true that whenever we are depressed and also hungry, we start gorging on various deep fried, oil-soaked, or sugar-laden treats and snacks. We think of them as our ‘comfort foods’ and ‘mood-lifters’. Moreover, majority of us gulp down many cups of coffee to feel better, while a few of us try to drown our sorrows by drinking wines and liquor.
Unfortunately, after filling our stomachs with these foods and beverages, we end up feeling more miserable and weary than before. This is because they contain certain substances which prevent the brain and various glands from working, properly. As a result, we are unable to feel happier and healthier!
Here is the list of 5 foods and drinks that you must steer clear of, if you are enduring a bout of depression: (more…)
6 Books To Read When You’re Feeling Depressed

Depression can be a chronic condition as well as a temporary feeling. What we need then is someone or something to cheer us up or make our minds diverted from our woes. Ironically, when we are in throes of depression, we tend to remain alone, disinterested, and mournful. For chronically depressed people, we advise you to seek professional help from certified practitioners. For the rest of you, we ask you to continue reading this article with attention!
Recent scientific studies have proved that reading is one of the best ways to cope with bad moods. A good book not only keeps you engrossed but it also perks up your mood, significantly. So, we have brought to you a list of 6 highly-acclaimed books that are guaranteed to drive away your depressive thoughts: (more…)
10 Tips To Get Over Depression To Live Wild And Free

If you are feeling low, sad, and guilty while being tired with a low self esteem, you might be suffering from depression. This problem is like a deep well from where it might seem impossible to climb out. Each time you try, you fall down. But, the scenario can be reversed with proper guidance and timely treatment. Here are 10 tips that are practical and easy to apply to help you fight depression. These will definitely guide you to come out of it and live wild and free. (more…)