Author Archives: Deepali
10 Key Differences Between Science and Spirituality

Science and spirituality, the two polar ends of this world, collide at every front of life. For centuries, there has been a clash between the cosmic and scientific world. The universe is balanced on a scale that puts these two ends on the platter. Superstition, truth, fallacy, inventions and discoveries form the web that entangles the people of old and new generations. You may find people who call themselves spiritual and some who always stand against the astral beliefs, i.e. the scientific minds. In fact, many of the horror films have tried to hook upon this idea of conflict of thoughts where the priests/paranormal experts and the physicians/ psychiatrist are in opposition to one another. How the viewpoints of these two subjects differ distinctively is what sets them apart? Here are the 10 key differences that you can spot between these two highly mismatched worldly thinking schools:
Must Read – Mankind’s Relationship with Spirituality

You know what happens when you enunciate the word “Om” during meditation? It creates a link between the human soul and the Great Lord. When you have come to this mother earth, there are certain responsibilities as a human being that you need to perform in order to serve the righteous way of living. The human life is a vicious cycle that is to be fueled every now and then so that the ceaseless life journey continues with no torments and infernal outcomes. The virtues of a human character gauge the relationship of a person with the world out there that is waiting to eat up the humanity inside you. The terms philanthropy and misanthropy were coined because the lover and haters of mankind exist equally in this world and what you are supposed to do is work towards maintaining the least amount of generosity that is left on this land. Here are the 10 ways by which mankind bonds with spirituality:
Reasons for Lack of Self-Esteem in Some People

Do you feel that somebody is mocking you? Do you think that your stammering problem is a piece of embarrassment for you in public? Do you think people only notice your face without make-up and laugh at you? Do you hide yourself behind the bars because you feel that you are not good as gold? Do you ever give a thought about raising your self-worth? Pointing yourself out for everything and misleading yourself by stabbing yourself with the low confidence dagger is what you will continue to do till the end, if you don’t develop self-esteem. Just answer me if someone scolds you for something that you have not done, then will you stand like a statue and nod or you will respond wisely? Have you come across this phrase when you face such situation, and your friends say “Dude, why didn’t you strike back? Don’t you have a little bit of self-respect left in you?” How do you feel then? So, if you are also one such coward and you are unable to figure out what fuels the advancement of such low esteem in you, here are 5 major reasons that will clarify your doubts:
Does Self-Esteem Really Matter to Become a Better Person?

Have you have given a thought to the questions like what are you? Why have you come for on this planet? What is the motive that inspires you to live? What is the ultimate destination of your life? Have you thought in which direction is the river of your life flowing? What is it that you yearn for? Do you feel that the reason you took birth cannot be fulfilled because you are not dexterous enough to reach it? Have you been through a situation where you stop valuing yourself because the circumstances around you compelled you to believe so? Why do you never stop blaming yourself for the things that are not in your control? You know why I am pouring so many questions on your head altogether? The answer is that every day you come across miserable life situations which make you doubt your potentiality and as a result you develop low-esteem. But you must realize that you can only be a respectful fellow in your own eyes when you build self- admiration for yourself. Here are 5 reasons that tell you that self-esteem makes you a better person in life:
20 Quotes On Happiness That Will Change Your Life

Some words coming out from the mouth of an expert just dwell in your heart and you just can’t stop thinking about those golden words all day long. Great thinkers and philosophers have strolled their minds to solve the mystery of happiness. The sayings by these maestros enable to change the flow of thoughts and sparkle new rays of hope. Happiness is not a measurable entity that you can scale and distribute equally to everyone’s goodie bags, it is like the sand granules that slip out of hands in no time. Life gives you opportunities to show off your white pearly teeth, but to sustain that smile intact you have to break your back to achieve that. There are straight and some zigzag paths that lead to temporary or eternal felicity. What if I say that there are solutions to keep your happiness alive all the time, would you believe me? Well, if you don’t, then just go through these 20 quotes that will make you learn the key to happiness and will bring a drastic change in your life. Have a look at these life changing quotes:
10 Reasons That Make Music a Source of Happiness

The rhythm of the songs strings your heart’s chords. Is that what happens you listen to music? Just answer me – how many times in a day do you plug in your earphones and listen to your playlist? Do you update your song list very often? Why do you think DJ is on the priority list of organizing a party? Does a romantic song play in your head when you meet your crush or a peppy number resonates in your brain when you are in a dancing mood? Do you Google the lyrics of the song and sing along? Do you go for karaoke nights to enjoy your leisure time? Does it happen to you that you listen to a new album and then that song gets on your lips and you continue to hum that song for a week or so? All of these questions are related to the inculcation of the habit of listening to music literally, all the time. Why is it that people have such a deep adulation towards music nowadays? The simple answer is that melody of the songs intrigues people and gives them few seconds of respite. So, happiness is an emotion that is quite rare to find in this world where humanity seems to fade away and music finds a way to attain that felicity. Here are 10 reasons that make music a source of happiness: (more…)
Perfect Qualities of a Successful Leader

Rightly said by Arnold H. Glasow, “A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” A leader is a pioneer who does not learn to stand alone on the pedestal, but to create a space on the pedestal for the ones who chose him as their leader. This is the identity of a real front-runner. There are different breeds of leaders that are found across the globe, some are tyrant, some are lenient, some are unpredictable, some are aggressive and some are an amalgamation of all. From authoritative Adolf Hitler to the apparent people’s leader PM Modi, you can see the diversity discovered within the category of leaders. If a leader has so many shades, then guess what the follower would be like. So, to assimilate all the vivid brains and sync them in such a way that they produce consensus over any idea or decision is an extremely painstaking job and imagine, a leader does it every single day. Here are the 10 perfect qualities that personify a successful leader:
Top 10 Inspirational Stories to Get Motivated

“Everything you want is one of the other side of fear.”- Rightly said by Jack Canfield, there are dumps in life that disappoint you and the disheartened self asks you “Why did you let this happen?” Do you never fantasize that you had the powers of a tarot card reader or you were a chiromancer who could predict the fortune and not let anything be entangled in the arms of difficulties? When the uncertainties knock your door, do you always grit your teeth and let the situation worsen or you wear your armor to fight it? There are so many legendary personalities who have undergone such tragedies in life which left them broke. But they did not look back and just stepped forward leaving their imprints for the rest to follow and get inspired. Here are 10 such fictional and real life stories that can induce courage in you and motivate you to do whatever you want without bowing before anyone:
10 Amazing Ways to Boost Confidence Levels

Do you start to perspire when you stand on a grand stage? Does your heart begin pounding at a high rate when you find yourself standing on a public platform? Does your tongue freeze when asked to speak in front of the millions of audiences? Does the thought of public speaking scare you to the core? Do you think that the spotlight follows you and slurps all the confidence that you muster before setting onto the stage? If you are fraught with stage fright, then the clock needles are moving fast and you better hurry up as this is the world where everyone looks for people who can present themselves confidently before others. There are so called experts who have opened coaching classes where they impart Personality Development knowledge. Most of them, not all, are just attention seeker who just want a good footfall, so that their business runs in profit. Don’t rely on any such training courses because they intend to loosen your purse strings and not give anything in return. Why to go anywhere else when you can induce exemplary confidence in yourself while sitting at home? From the next time onward, you will not have to become a wallflower when you visit a party or participate in a debate. Here are the tips that can elevate your confidence at an individual level:
5 Ways to Develop Innovative Ideas at Workplace

Work is worship – for people who honor their work as their life’s first priority. Ideas have no time or place constraints and they can invigorate anytime, anywhere, but some people feel that they need a conducive environment that can instigate such innovative ideas in their mind. So, the generation of innovation can be guaranteed by the adoption of certain ways that can ensure constant flow of unique ideas as well as the progress of the company. Do you think the corporate culture hampers the outbreak and proliferation of good ideas? If yes, then you must be among those fellows who feel that innovative ideas can take birth only while sitting on the pot in the washroom at home. In fact, to some extent, it is true. The best thought process is carried out when a person sits in solitude without disturbance in the lavatory. But, what to do, you can’t always keep sitting there to let the idea pop out of your head, you need to find other ways. You can’t just complain that you are a bathroom or washroom thinker and your brain nerves cease to produce out of the box ideas when you are not alone. So, here are 5 ways you can to use to stretch your neurons, start squeezing out the best potential of your brain, and elicit new ideas: