6 Tips to Feel More Confident During Job Interviews

Will I get this job? What if they will not hire me? Am I prepared for the interview? These are some common questions which arise in our mind while facing an interview. Also, these are the thoughts which diminish our confidence. Sweaty palms, dry mouth, shortage of breath, shake in body and increased heartbeats are some of the signs of nervousness and nearly anyone can suffer from this type of phobia. This condition occurs due to the fear that we may fail to explain the answers correctly and may not get the opportunity. Sometimes, this fear makes it impossible for us to do a good job.
Photo by Samuel Mann, CC BY 2.0
Nervousness during an interview is quite normal. This is not a diseased condition.It shows that we care about the job. Nervousness can give us extra performance boost that we need during an interview.But if you’re really struggling to feel confident during interviews, here are six expert tips to help. These tips will help you to handle your nervousness during interview and will help you to present more effectively and more confidently.
1. Brush up Your Body Language
In a job interview, your body language, makes a significant impact on your success. You are being judged even before you’ve spoken your first word. So, be alert from the moment you step through the door. Make a conscious effort to have good posture while entering into the room. Sit straight, lean slightly forward, and keep your head high. When making handshake, make sure your grip is firm. Keep smiling and maintain eye contact to show the interviewer that you are confident.
2. Dress Appropriately
When you look good you feel good. You’ve heard the expression, “first impression is the last impression.” The way you present yourself at an interview plays a big role in making the first impression. Try to make a strong impression on everyone you meet. Dress smartly and appropriately. Undoubtedly, your subject knowledge is extremely important, but your appearance plays a vital role in dictating the final outcome. Your overall look should reflect your confidence and capability. Make sure your clothes are clean and properly ironed. Your shoes should be clean and your hairstyle must be neat and professional.
3. Do Your Research
Find out some information about the company you want to work for and specifically the job description. In order to get significant information, use internet search engines and visit the company’s website. This way you’ll come to know about the products or services that the company manufactures or sells. Also, you’ll get an idea about the clients, employees and work culture of the company. Knowing about the company and the position make you stand out in an interview. It reflects that you are really interested in working there.
4. Be Punctual
Be on time for your interview. Even better, arrive a few minutes early. Know where you’re going, how much time you need to travel, and how to reach at the interview location.This will allow you to plan your journey. Arriving early to an interview gives you time to calm your nerves and re-collect your thoughts. Also, it gives you time to stop in a restroom to make sure that you don’t have any hair, make-up or wardrobe malfunctions.
5. Communicate Effectively
Effective Communication is one of the key steps to perform well in an interview. It shows that you are expressive, personable, and educated. Don’t talk too much or too little. People with lack of self-confidence either talk too much or too little. You need a balance. Focus on what interviewer wants to know. Don’t talk about your family history if he or she wants to know about yourself. Keep your answers clear and concise. In order to enhance your confidence, practice in front of a mirror.
6. Learn Interview Etiquette
Knowing proper interview etiquette is an important part of a successful interview. Thus, you need to remember some basic interview etiquette. However, there is a never-ending list of “dos” and “don’ts” for an interview. Bring extra copies of your resume with you. Have a list of three references printed out, including contact information for each reference. Keep the interview positive and never make any negative remarks about your previous jobs or employers. Also, avoid complaining about the tasks or responsibilities you were given in a previous position. An employer wants to hire a person who is positive, passionate, and able to deal with challenges.
In addition to the above steps, remember that an interview is not a life or death situation. Interviewers are humans too and they’ll understand and forgive some minor nervous glitches. So, don’t worry too much. Just focus on your strengths and walk into the interview with a new confidence.