7 Ways to Teach Your Kids Self Control

Parenting has never been more challenging than it is today. The ‘instant generation’ looks for instant gratification which often lands them in unhappy situations. In a world of instant self gratification, parents have to adhere to well thought of practices that contribute to the child’s personality development in a positive manner.
Building wholesome individuals is a noble task entrusted to every parent. All the same it is a challenging task, indeed. In a world where restrain is becoming a virtue of the past, teaching your child self control is an important part of good parenting practice.
1. Everyday Routine
Use every day routines to teach self control to your child. For example, set time limits for watching television. An hour of television a day is fair enough for a child. Such simple situations can be effective in laying boundaries for your child. There are many mundane things through which one can teach children to exercise self control. We need to make conscious effort to find such ones and use them to impart self-restraint.
2. Correction
Unconditionally love to your child. Unconditional love is healthy. It makes your child grow up into a wholesome individual. A loving parent will by all means lovingly correct a child, because correction eventually makes the child a better individual.
3. Playtime with Friends
During playtime, a child displays a whole lot of emotions or traits. This is the time your child is most vulnerable to peer pressure and also to challenging playmates. Encourage your child to discuss playtime with you. This will give you an insight into your child’s peers and their behavioral pattern. Use the situation that your child encounters to teach him or her positive behavioral practices. Motivate your child to lead by being a positive example rather than being influenced by negative behaviors. Appropriately reward them when they display such actions.
4. At the Table
The dining table is one the best places to teach your children discipline. Etiquettes at the dining table are one of the basic disciplines that a child learns in his or her early childhood. Some of the basic etiquettes like not eating until everyone at the table have been served, making sure that others have ample servings of a particular dish set in front you even before you serve yourself, are all good ways to impart self-control.
In today’s world, self-control is an essential virtue even to lead a healthy balanced life. Make your child understand the ill effects of junk food and dissuade them to stay away from it. At the same time educate them about the importance of healthy food and constantly encourage them to make healthy eating choices.
5. Say ‘No’ To Your Child
With consumerism on the rise, a lot of children do not lack anything materialistic. Most of the parents find ways to instantly gratify their children. Little do parents realize the harmful impact of such actions on their child’s personality. Children who get everything they want without having to wait never learn to value what they have.
‘Delayed gratification’ or saying no to certain requests of your child is a good way to teach them patience and self control. The child not only learns to wait but also learns to value what he or she gets.
6. Sibling Disputes
No two adults are the same and so are children. Differences and disagreements are common in households that have more than one child. The key here is to encourage your child to appreciate their difference. Motivate children to disagree but teach them to do it gracefully. These are precious values that children need to learn and when they do it early in life the make great human beings who can be source of inspiration and happiness to many around them.
7. Lead by Example
Consciously or unconsciously your child learns from you. Showing restraint and patience in your thoughts, words and actions is one of the surest ways to impact your child.
A person who has self control has mastered himself. Self control is a prerequisite for a successful life. Inculcating this virtue in children early in life will make them wholesome individuals who will be rational in their decision making. It enables your child to be rational and not impulsive. In short it is a core value that is essential for a life well lived.