6 Ways to De-stress During a Busy Office Day

Do you want to make your office hours enjoyable and stress free? Do you want to become the perfect example of the ‘coolest’ guy who can take in pressure yet deliver work on time? Then attention one and all, here’s coming your way 6 useful tips to de-stress yourself during a busy office day.
Photo by San José Library, CC BY-SA 2.0
1. Think Positive, Start Early
Be confident that you can complete your work. With self-belief and some sincere efforts, your journey would be a lot easier. So keep positive and stay enthusiastic! Pack the ‘next day office bag’ a night in advance. Set an alarm and hit the bed on time. Put on light music and enjoy a relaxed sleep. Smile and welcome a bright new morning; take a deep breath, feel the cool, crisp air all around; you may also go for a jog and gather the extra vigor required for the day. Take the right breakfast and start EARLY to avoid traffic blues on the road. Try to reach office at least 10 minutes before normal so that you settle down nicely before commencing work.
2. Plan Your Schedules Right At The Start
Prepare a checklist. Schedule your priorities in a logical sequence, before getting down to work. It is better that you do away with the tough stuff when you are most energetic, rather than sulking and pending them for the later half. Studies reveal that the sooner you start your work, the less stressed you feel for the rest of the day. And yes! Do not forget to pat yourself when you tick the jobs as completed in the checklist!
3. Speak Your Heart Out; Ask For Help Whenever Needed
Remember the golden rule: “There’s no point in stressing over something you cannot change. Move on and grow stronger.” Likewise, if you are stuck at some office job do not presume yourself to be a ‘failure’. Just open up, maintain cordial relations with everyone at office from the sweeper to the highest authority and ask for HELP. Speak about your problem with your seniors or immediate boss at work. Sometimes ‘two brains put to work’ may provide better solutions than ‘one’ trying hard to do the same. So take a chill pill and relax!
4. Breathe, Stretch And Massage
Sitting at a stretch glued to the monitor can cramp your feet and make your eyes burn. So get up once in a while; stretch your arms, wash your eyes with water and carry out breathing exercises to concentrate your mind. Practice walking up and down at frequent intervals; attend a phone call walking or simply go for a light stroll during lunch. All this would strengthen your body muscles preventing any build up of undue tension. For better results, you may also try your hand at massaging your neck to relieve tension and work stress.
5. Enjoy The Snack Time
Always ensure that you are actually ‘eating’ during the lunch break. Take small bites and relish the taste of that energy boosting sprout salad that you have prepared. Keep your body hydrated; provide the extra strength to your body with herbal tea or fruit juices of your liking. Call your spouse, parents or children and hear their lively voice. Indulge yourself in a short conversation with your near and dear ones or plan a long drive with your beloved for the evening- all this would definitely vanish your office worries within a few seconds!
6. Play, Read Or Just Take A Power Nap!
‘Is all work making Jack a dull boy’? If so, then choose effectively from a wide range of word games available on your android phone. In case you do not possess one, you may still engage yourself in games such as Sudoku which are easily found in newspapers. Playing different types of scrabble may also uplift your mood owing to the ‘short successes’ you meet after reaching a higher level/score. You may also keep a joke book handy in your purse or print out a few jokes from the internet and change your worry hours to happy ones! Sometimes a quick nap of just 15 minutes can do wonders to your meeting goals at office as you rejuvenate yourself with fresh vigor to meet tight deadlines for the day!
Therefore, the next time you are feeling stressed out at office, try incorporating one or more of these tips into your daily work schedule and introspect the positive changes in you. These wonderful guidelines would throw away the office tension and make you feel more satisfied at work and happier at home.
So get set and go…Beat the stress and enjoy your job to the fullest.