3 Ways To Keep Customers Happy By Offering Less

Personally, I’m one of those restaurant diners who takes a few extra minutes to order when there are more meals on their menus. For some reason, companies have recently shifted their perception on the wrong data concerning buyers and their choices. You need only to go shopping for a day … Read more
10 Daily Habits That Will Make Your Kids More Creative and Smarter

Scientists often pronounce that the foremost juncture of a child’s life is considered as the aperture of prospects. Brain can build up the most unbiased webbings at these crucial phases. Intelligence, creativity and smartness are considered to be innate qualities. However, some searches have refused to agree with this aforesaid … Read more
7 Reasons Why Lost Hope Is a Lost Battle

Our life is full of curves and it never furnishes a straight rose-tinted avenue. Ups and downs are part and parcel of our existence. In such grim situations, the minuscule ripple of hope can alter the onerous prospective to an extended level. Hope against hope is the key mantra! At … Read more
5 Ways to Discover Your passion

There’s nothing to feel ashamed about if you do not know what your passion is or what you want to do in life. More than half the people out there face the same dilemma. Some people find their passion at a young age and pursue that as their career path. … Read more
6 Ways You Can Avoid Motivation Burn-Out and Stay Ahead in The Game

In today’s era, everyone is trying to be settled up in their lives, thereby, working hard, day and night, to earn more and more money to enjoy the luxuries of life. Somewhere, amidst all this, there may be times when you are not getting the desired output. This situation might … Read more
9 Ways to Organise Your Mind and Ideas

All of us have a multitude of ideas every day. Thoughts which flash our minds when we are doing mundane tasks during the day like driving, taking a shower or trying to sleep. Often, we tend to forget these ideas very quickly. Imagine how it would be to remember all … Read more
5 Ways in Which Brain Games Boost Your Memory

When it comes to passing time, or spending some fun-filled hours, playing brain games, whether it is sudoku, crosswords, scrabble, chess, checkers, etc., is just a great idea. But do you know, that indulging yourself in brain games also boosts your memory and has a very positive effect on your … Read more
5 Ways to Figure Out the Road Map for Success

Success. Something every one of us strive for in life. Many people think that just hard work will result in success. Work for 12 hours a day, 14 hours a day. But hard work alone will not lead to success. Smart working combined with proper planning and discipline will result … Read more
Why Self Satisfaction Is Considered Important for A Happy Life

Very often, when I notice people, I come to a conclusion that they find happiness in money, materials, luxuries and all those sort of goods or services which curtails the principles and practices of an ascetic. Now, let’s look at the other side. Not very often, when I notice an … Read more
10 Tips to Become the Best Version of You

There is an inborn need in human beings to evolve. We evolve physically and mentally right from the time we are born and the process carries on till our last breath. However, people tend to stagnate once they reach a particular point in life. Yet the one who strive forward … Read more